Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just Being a Baby . . .And Growing Fast

Doesn't this look comfy? : ) It's amazing the positions that Carter can fall asleep in. As you can tell in these pictures, Carter's hair is starting to fall out. Poor little guy. He was born with a perfectly cute fuzzy head which quickly turned to a perfectly cute bald head. The funny thing is that it all fell out on top first. So, for a little while, he looked like he had male pattern baldness. : ) Now, his hair is just barely starting to grow back in.

One of the gifts that we received was a baby carrier. Here is one of Carter's outings in the carrier. I walked him around the yard with the dogs. He wasn't quite old enough to notice the dogs yet though. Since he was too young to put sunscreen on, we pulled out the giant golf umbrella. That actually worked quite well.

Here's Carter just being cute . . .

With a new baby you have to get creative when trying to get house work done. I decided to put the carrier to good use again. I would just carry Carter around in his carrier while I did house work. Well, one time he got a bit tuckered out and just crashed in the carrier. I thought it was too cute.

Carter loves his Daddy.

He loves Grandma Chris too. Here are a couple of pictures from when Grandma Chris visited when Cousin Jordyn was born.


Ryan and I have definitely learned how to take advantage of naptime. We are lucky to have a cuddly little guy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

One Month Old

Carter is just over one month old in these pictures. We were finally able to give him baths in water (not just sponge baths). He hated getting sponge baths because he would get so cold, but he absolutely loves baths in his little tub. I think that we enjoy watching him as much as he enjoys the bath! - Doesn't it look like he is waving hello?

Here are some pictures that I took just because. I think he looks at me like I'm crazy for putting him in all different positions and then snapping away. Oh well, he's bound to learn he has a crazy mom sooner or later. Carter definitely liked being on his back much better than his tummy. At one month he had already learned to turn over from his tummy to his back. He hated being on his tummy that much! I was trying to be a diligent Mommy by making sure that he got enough tummy time. He had other ideas. I think that the first time he rolled over it was an accident, but that was enough to teach him that it could be done again. From that point on, anytime I would put him on his tummy, he would just struggle until he would roll onto his back. Oh well, at least he was getting good exercise!

Here's how Carter had to sleep at night. The poor little guy had acid reflux and it wouldn't let him stay asleep. He slept much better when upright in his carrier. He slept in this carrier until he was a little over three months old.

Carter at Home

In these pictures Carter is about three weeks old. Carter has been home for about one week. Ryan and I are getting things figured out as new parents . . . like not sleeping. And the new parent concern that your baby isn't breathing during the night was that much more heightened for us. So, Carter slept in our room so that we could easily observe him at night! However, our biggest concern was making sure that Carter would gain enough weight. As you can see, he is a little guy. Our worries went away with a little time. Carter started putting on the weight quickly.